Nowadays, the most used and shared content on the internet is undoubtedly the video format. In fact, we notice that it is more and more exploited by brands everywhere; whether it is on their official website, social media, publicity or promotional campaigns. In 2022, it is the ultimate time trial, everyone is looking for easy options and effectiveness. fortunately, Digital is here! and it perfectly responds to the demand. Today, the most effective and pertinent content is the video format, it is indeed an efficient, fast solution that has a huge impact on its audience. Besides being a very creative tool to deliver a message, it can have different vocatives (promotional, educational, entertaining, for raising awareness, ect.) and to strengthen, nothing is better than combining this content format with new technologies. In this article, we will essentially approach 3D video.

What is a 3D video with VR Headset
A 3D video can be defined as a method of creating animation, movement, volume and a whole virtual world. and to reach this, you have to master certain professional and specific tools to create the 3D video or animation, plus, a spherical programming software is required. This type of content allows you to modify any kind of element such as brightness, shift the camera or the characters, which will give the impression of having a real views of your content, this special effect that the 3D animation offer makes all the difference, and makes the content in question very captivating. and thus, thanks to the 3D animation, you can bring a very original touch to you video to make it stand out.
What purpose do 3D videos have in 2022 ?
Do you know what is the most used content in 2022? Simple, nowadays videos on the internet represent 82% of the web traffic worldwide. This number alone is proof. but not only, 78% of websurfers watch online videos every week. It is evident that today, the video format plays a major role in the digital world, and that is in all the sectors. 3D videos and 3D animation can have different purposes; educational for instance, as it allows the learning to take place in a more elaborate and effective way, especially after the outbreak of the pandemic the whole world has witnessed the effectiveness of online courses and training.
We shouldn’t forget the 3D videos whose goal is entertainment (video games, short film, ect.), cinematography, but also the advertising campaigns. BtoC and BtoB companies also use this format of content, that is for the launching of a product, raising awareness, training their team, or promoting an event, etc. today, visuals and video formats are considered to be key elements for companies. they have the power to either make an entire campaign either a success or a failure.
what role does a 3D video have in the world of business today ?
3D video or 3D animation is now the star of the web. Its success is remarkable and confirmed thanks to the figures we have today. As they say in the marketing world “more visuals for better performances’ ‘ and today 3D videos are found in the first place.
Companies around the world publish at least twice a week, some publish daily and others five times a week. Preparing an editorial calendar is not an easy task and requires a lot of creativity and originality, and above all, quality over quantity. 3D video ticks all the boxes, it is an effective, fast, authentic, captivating and above all, very “viral” means of communication.
In addition to having a good content quality, as not to say flawless, it is necessary to have authentic content and the 3D video is an excellent way to stand out. Beyond these remarkable qualities, the 3D video has quite the particularity , given the studies conducted on the importance of videos on social media, websites, web pages, landings pages etc., the 3D video is a content format that can be adapted to fit all social media pages but also on the official website of the brand. According to the statistics, the average CVR for websites using the video format is two times higher than those not using video content: 4.8% versus 2.9%.
Marketers have understood the importance of video format content for businesses worldwide 51% of marketers recommend video content and believe it is the content format with the best ROI, as businesses that feature video format generate 49% more revenue than those that don’t use it. And that’s not all, the list goes on and on and the numbers are staggering. According to a study conducted on various e-commerce sites, it was found that the use of videos on product pages can increase purchases by 144%. The effectiveness and success of the video format is no longer doubted.
What are the advantages of a 3D video in the marketing strategy of marketers ?
For any successful marketing strategy it is not enough to have a lot of followers, content that pours out, etc.. A successful marketing strategy is based first and foremost on understanding the needs of the customers you are targeting in order to best meet them.
the 3D video or 3D animation are very trendy today and can be found on all media supports but also in all sectors (automotive, tourism, luxury, fashion, industry, leather goods, etc.) the advantages of using the 3D video or 3D animation are the following:
- Increases content credibility by 75%.
- Increases sales and revenue
- A better retention rate on the site
- 3D videos is the most appreciated format by Internet users
- Creation of original content (Stimulation of the engagement rate
- Increased traffic
- The content with the best ROI
- Allows to have an authentic content
- The video format allows for better memory retention
- Gets attention and is captivating, also allows to give a more real aspect and more depth to the product
- Characters look more real and can transmit emotions more easily
Finally to conclude, it is undeniable that today brands must have a digital presence and constantly show originality and creativity to attract more customers and retain them. To do so, it is necessary to be constantly aware of trends and new developments in the digital world which is becoming more and more accessible. With at least two contents per week, brands must vary their content and be the epitome of a ” cool ” company that follows the trends. It is therefore necessary to opt for a video format that ticks all the boxes, effective, relevant, authentic, memorable, engaging, sustainable, consistent with its values, etc. 3D videos and 3D animations allow companies to achieve all these goals and to differentiate themselves with unbeatable performance.
If you wish to have more information or if you wish to create your video or 3D animation for your company, do not hesitate to contact us!
your 3D agency is at your service.