During the Corona crise, we started to use our VR meeting room as a way to collaborate and keep in touch. Then, we asked everyone about their opinion and we figured out these interesting four points:

1- No stress of showing off

the old days, we were using skype to exchange and fix appointements with the rest of the team. We didn’t notice how stressful it is to be aware of our look once the camera is on. Later, we figured out that what matters is rather what we have to say and what we do.

2- Quick information exchange

Once every member log in to the platform, we quickly find the graphs and screens displayed by the mentor. Instead of sharing one screen only, we can watch multiple screens simultaneously and even draw a graph next to them.

3- Time management

In order to use our time efficiently, we decided to share one calendar where we have the timing and the meeting room number. The members who belong to the same room will have the same room number and all the meeting can be made simultaneously.

4- No anxiety

One of our team members claims that she usually feel unsafe to click by mistake on lightening the camera. It happened to her twice and that gave her a weird feeling. With the VR room there’s avatar who can show off and move around for you! You just manipulate it !

5- More fun

Before starting to use our tool, we didn’t have much fun. Now, we figured out an easy and funny game where we play catching game and everyone try to catch the others.

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